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Modernize Your Payments

.. Step By Step

Banks and fintechs should modernize legacy payments tech incrementally to stay competitive without the need for a risky rip-and-replace processes. This gradual approach ensures smoother transitions, reduced risk, and improved customer experiences in an evolving financial landscape. Download the guide to find out how.

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Payments Modernization is a Tedious Process: Myth or Reality?

Payment modernization, driven by past choices of financial institutions, has become a pressing reality. Legacy systems created a complex "spaghetti architecture" that hindered adaptability, increased costs, and posed compliance challenges.
Financial institutions can divide the modernization process into manageable steps, opting for an incremental approach rather than a complete overhaul. This approach allows organizations to gradually update and replace legacy systems, reducing the associated risks and minimizing disruptions to their day-to-day operations. By addressing complexities incrementally, organizations can smoothly adapt to the evolving payment landscape and seamlessly integrate emerging technologies.


The Future of Payments

We look at incremental modernization and how this can be done without creating a huge ripple of cascading impacts


 Consolidation Benefits

Discover consolidated payments modernization's benefits for traditional banks in this beautiful infographic format. 


Case Studies 

Explore how two banks/financial institutions employed modernization techniques to overcome their unique challenges.

Making Payments a Reality on any Device
Enabling payments on any device enhances consumer convenience and financial inclusivity, accommodating diverse preferences. This approach spurs innovation, fostering the development of secure and adaptable payment solutions. It keeps pace with our evolving digital world, offering seamless transactions across various touchpoints. In essence, payments on any device empower users and advance the payments industry.

Alternate Payments Benefits

Alternate Payments Benefits

If you need payments to happen on any device, it isn't possible without a modern payments system. Listen to this blog on the benefits of alternate payments 


Solving the Payments Puzzle

A unified payment platform simplifies the payment landscape by removing the need for multiple platforms. Can this be a utopian payments systems moment?


Unlocking Business Value

Watch the  presentation excerpts on modernizing payments system. This was presented live at the Asian Banker flagship event- Future of Finance Summit. 

Ren Payments Platform from Euronet

Ren is a modern payments platform that specialises in processing mission critical transactions and creates innovative experiences in the areas of switching, acquiring, issuing and real time payments hub. With billions of transactions per year in 100+ countries and dozens of payment types, Euronet faced a major challenge. Ren was built from the ground up by Euronet's engineers & payments experts leveraging 28 years of payments experience to adapt, innovate, and implement solutions quickly in an ever-changing payment landscape.
Ren has 35 installations globally with some major institutions such as Jalin in Indonesia, Trust Bank in Singapore and Touch 'n Go Digital in Malaysia. Email us to know more.